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LunaQueen: The Divinely Feminine Art of Using A Lunar Charting Calendar For Self-Care

The Key To Self-Knowledge, Self-Love, Self-Control and Personal Liberation


















Introduction Excerpt

Self-knowledge is essential to the establishment of nurturing relationships, strong families, healthy children, and sovereign societies. It is the cornerstone of society and the foundation of civilization. The knowledge of self provides us with a root system through which to anchor ourselves into our Source. It gives us the power to make primary decisions and choices like whether to achieve or avoid conception.

Females  have  not  been  self-definers  for  the  last  5,000  years.  As  a whole  females  continue  to  operate  solely under  the  definitions  established  by  males.  These  definitions  do  not  take  into  account  the feminine  spirit,  in that  males  were  born  and  raised  by  mothers  who  had  and  have  a  low  estimate  of  them  self. Therefore  the definitions inherently limit and restrict us to function as males operating from the low consciousness of their mothers. It is not incorrect for males to define themselves and anything else that accepts their  definitions, it is however incorrect for females to believe and act as if these definitions are sufficient and meet our needs.

Defining the self means charting a new frontier, going where no female has gone before in feeling and thought. It  means  trusting  our  intuition  and  risking  being  wrong,  with  the  knowledge  that  we  can  correct  any  wrong. Defining ourselves does not mean being antagonistic or combative with  males, it means, accepting the truth of our  being  and  having  the  courage  to  stand  alone  while  maintaining  principle,  until  another  can  accept, acknowledge  and  understand  our  stance.  It  means  giving  up  the  old  taboos  surrounding  things  like menstruation  which  has  caused  us  to  feel  dirty  and  soiled,  and  has  created  low  self-worth  and  an  unhealthy self-image.  It means healing the traumas of our past.

Throughout history, women have been denied access to the fundamental sciences governing their bodies by the instillation of shame or the promotion of ignorance surrounding natural biological function. This lack of knowledge has had a devastating effect upon the state of our social structures. Among the problems associated with a lack of self knowledge are a lack of self-esteem, self-worth and insecurity which are directly related to the amount of abuse that females endure. The information contained in the LunaQueen System was once forbidden knowledge. Women were killed, tortured and hunted like animals when they sought to use and teach this knowledge. Females were suppose to be ignorant and thus easier to control. The less females knew about themselves, the fewer options they had to escape a world of exploitation, abuse, manipulation, hatred, irresponsibility, ignorance and fear. Now for the first time in over 12,000 years, this knowledge is made available without the threat of death.

Unwanted children from unplanned pregnancies are a primary problem that stems from a lack of self-knowledge. This has created a social imbalance. Unwanted children to often result in either abortions, orphans, physical, emotional and mental abuse or infanticide. Those that make it are often objects of financial stress and parental burdens, in that they were unplanned. The high level of unwanted children strain the educational system and creates a host of physical ills, psychological and emotional problems and social misfits.

As  we  approach  the  new dispensation,  females  must  free  themselves  to  love, respect, honor, protect and  know themselves and each  other.  In order to do this tools must be forged to assist in this endeavor. The LunaQueen System is specifically designed to meet these needs individually for every woman in the world. Each  and every person alive is  a complicated system of  inter-related body clocks, ebbs and flows, timetables, patterns,  cycles, energy levels, intensities, body levels and consciousness.  Females have the inborn ability to be  consciously aware of the depths of these changes and can teach it to their sons. Never before has there been such  a  complete recording  device as  the LunaQueen  System  provides through its calendars, with  space to record  a  woman's rhythmic changes, functions and growth at the spiritual, mental, emotional and biological level.

As  the  old  taboos  and  fears  are lifted and done away with, females will finally be able to take responsibility  for themselves and their actions. Their self-image will improve and they will define themselves with honor, dignity and self-respect, and  teach their children to do likewise.  Females will take a more active and positive role in seeing to it that all females are properly educated with biological knowledge, so that they can naturally and consciously plan or postpone  pregnancy at will;  prevent  and  eliminate disease by early detection and learn the science of motherhood. With the LunaQueen System, it will be easy to know when ovulation takes place, and the symptoms of developing diseases can be noted and accurately reported to physicians for early detection and preventative care. The knowledge of self will cause a  female to see herself with value and cause her to engage in meaningful, loving, community supported relationships. Whole life awareness, fertility literacy and pro-creative choice are of major significance to the health and well-being of each of us, and we must begin now to take responsibility for this. We cant afford to allow another year to go by without knowing ourselves and defining ourselves, thus  regaining the power that is inherently ours when we operate from a position of love and truth.

"My people perish from a lack of knowledge."

It is a fact that 75% or more of pregnancies are unplanned, for married and unmarried couples. This tragic fact is evidence of a need for people to learn the knowledge taught in the LunaQueen System. This knowledge learned, will create a paradigm shift as souls are welcomed into the world as a result of being planned, wanted and loved. With this shift, love can flourish and pain and suffering can cease on the planet.

This health recording calendar is designed to teach females the rudiments of using a true lunar/solar female calendar. After thirteen months of charting, the following skills will be learned by female participants and any males who choose to participate: 1. How to use cycle days as the measurement for a lunar calendar: 2. How to determine the length of the individual female monthly moon cycle: 3. How the moon corresponds to the individual female cycle and how to use it to regulate the period: 4.  How to chart your sexual experiences: 5. The ability to predict upcoming moon times (menstrual period) in advance: 6. How to spot changes in the cycle that may be precursors to illness for prompt reporting to health care providers; 7. How to chart mucus type, the most accurate means for determining fertility: 8. How to know and utilize seven natural signs of fertility literacy: 9. How to predict the monthly seven day window of fertility: 10. How to predict the onset of PMS: 11. How hormones create sexual desire, and how to control these urges: 12. How to eliminate toxic emotions: 13.  How to design and create a true lunar/solar calendar.

Utilizing  the  LunaQueen  System  is  a life  time  adventure  of  self-discovery.  It  will  allow users to deal  with  the cause of  problems so that the effects can be eliminated,  instead  of  complaining  about  the  effects  with  no power  to  change  anything.  LunaQueen  will  also  deliver  you  from  the  exploitative  forces  that  feed  on  your ignorance. It's time for a change, don't you agree?

As we seek peace, prosperity, happiness and fulfillment, it is essential that females understand them self. This program is designed to assist females in the process of learning about their femininity, embracing their femininity and fulfilling their Divine purpose as females on earth.  This knowledge of will empower females and develop in them self-knowledge, self-love, self-control and personal liberation and give them the power to be individually responsible. This program learned will prevent unwanted and unplanned pregnancy by over 90% and raise the quality of life on this planet, by ushering in an age of Conscious Conception. Motherhood will thus be raised to the level of a most revered profession, that is designed to create peaceful, loving, creative, principled, caring, prosperous citizens. Won�t you do your part in making this a reality?


This book is designed to provide females with a system by which they can learn to heal, chart, know, love, control and be responsible for them self and achieve personal liberation. It provides a unique lunar calendar that can be used for charting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development of the self in conjunction with the moon as it goes through its cycles and phases.   

Pre-Suppositions Of The LunaQueen System

The pre-suppositions of the LunaQueen System are its guiding principles, those ideas or beliefs that are pre-supposed, that is, taken for granted and acted upon.

1. Control can only be exerted over a known entity.

2. Knowledge of self (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) is essential and foundational knowledge.

3. Females, the moon, emotions, intuition and fertility are essential elements that must be understood.

4. Fertility literacy gives one the ability to plan or avoid conception.

5. Soul's deserve to be planned, wanted, and welcomed into the world in a spirit of love.

6. The first choice of every female is whether to achieve or avoid conception.

7. Sexual healing allows people to raise their sexual standards from perversions and recreation to planned procreation and creation.

8. Females will always make the best choice they have been given in their understanding of themselves. The choice may be self-defeating, dis-empowering, bizarre, or evil, but for them it seems the best way forward. Given better choices, they will take it. Even better give them a system with more choices.

9. Acting without thought, planning and due diligence when engaging in sexual activity will lead to regret.


Book Review

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Helen Bevel



About Me:
I am the author/writer/graphic designer/publisher and creator of the LunaQueen System. My life began anew after my abortion in 1969.  It was then that I made a commitment to never consider an abortion again and work to create a world where abortion was obsolete.  Indiscriminate sex was no longer an option.  I vowed to only have sex with a male that I wanted to be the father of my children.  In 1971, I had my first child.  She was planned by me and born out of my need to have a purpose to live for.  I met and married James L. Bevel in 1972 and we had five more children (three girls and two boys).  My children were all planned, dedicated to the purpose of uplifting mankind and welcomed in a spirit of love.  

There were many trials, tests and tribulation that consumed my life as I grew into the person I am today. A person that I truly love.  My life has been exciting, fulfilling, filled with adventure, challenges and fun.  I have met and lived with outstanding human beings who have all added to my growth, understanding of life and development.  This continues to be my experience.

My first level of freedom came when I, a city girl became an farmer.  This freed me from dependence on another to feed me.  It connected me defacto with my Source/Creator and Mother Earth.  I learned many lessons from the soil (on fertility), the wind, the rain, the clouds, and the crawling, winged, and four legged creatures.  It was during this time that I experienced oneness with all of life. My children were fortunate to be able to have an urban and rural lifestyles to grow up in and a connection with the land. As a result of this experience I grew out of my dependent state. It was my initiation into adulthood.

As the wife of James L. Bevel, I studied nonviolence, the movements of the sixties, the leadership personalities of the sixties and the method, means and need for social and personal change.  Our organization engaged in nonviolent institutional development and social justice through healing and education. I was taught that there are only two enemies, ignorance and the illness it creates.

My second level of freedom came after my divorce in 1989.  There had been so many contradictions in my life and they led to my being emotionally injured.  I had to find ways to mend and heal my emotions.  I became withdrawn, gained weight and feared close personal relationships.  My children withdrew from me and I found myself alone.  I learned to love being alone, as I meditated on my life.  I moved frequently to different cities and learned to love change.  I began to gain a sense of self identity and purpose. I learned the new healing technology of EFT (The Emotional Freedom Technique), brought to the planet by Gary Craig (, with this and other modalities I was able to heal my emotions and gain a sense of personal direction in life.

In 1996, I was confronted with the commitment I made after my abortion in 1969, to work to create a world where abortion was not even considered.  I recommitted myself and let go of the world as it had been handed to me with its corrupt value system.  I took a leap of faith and turned myself over to my Source, to prove that God does exist and will ever take care of those who trust and work to fulfill their purpose for being.  I had no visible means of economics and yet all my needs were met.  I have never been hungry, homeless, or endangered in all these years, even though I lived in some of the most hostile environments on earth. My children, friends and sometimes strangers opened their homes to me.  It was during this time that the LunaQueen System was birthed in me.  I would awaken early in the morning and Spirit would instruct me to write.  These writings would be beyond my present knowledge and I was then instructed to prove what was written.  I was then led to sources that verified that which I wrote in the early morning hours. Clarity and understanding came as the system evolved and I began to publish books.  The first book I ever published was The Fertility Awareness Calendar. I was so excited, just knowing that females would likewise be excited.  Not so, the very mention of the word fertility sent females into fear, revulsion and mutterings of, "I don't want anything to do with fertility." I was shocked and simply explained to them that this was a method for gaining control of fertility.  For many this was not a desire.  Some bought the book and as the years went by, females would contact me to get revised copies.

I conducted workshops and  group discussions on fertility awareness, and got good response from some females and a lot of males.  Males were more receptive to the information than females were and they still are.  I did a research study to determine and prove that females were ignorant of basic fertility awareness facts.  The results were astonishing.  Out of some 300 females who took the Fertility Awareness Quiz in Chicago, IL, the Washington DC metro area, and Alabama only two got every answer correct.  I gave the test to lawyers, nurses, corporate heads, and everyday housewives.

In 2005, The LunaQueen System was born shortly after my work in providing Stress and Trauma Relief to Hurricane Katrina survivors when I was living in Selma, AL.  It's development continued over the years and will no doubt continue.  

LunaQueen: The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting & Living, The Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Love, Self-Control and Personal Liberation is a hallmark in the development of this work.  It provides users of the system and readers with a complete understanding of the tenets, pre-suppositions, reasoning, philosophy, theology, science and technology of the system. If I were to die today or tomorrow I would die knowing that the information for ushering in the "Age of Female Responsibility" is clear, concise and available for all.

It is my prayer that you take the time to know yourself, love yourself, control yourself and enjoy the personal liberation that comes as a result.




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Helen "Myeka" Edmond
LunaQueen: The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting & Self-Care
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LunaQueen: The Divinely Feminine Art of Using A Lunar Charting Calendar For Self-Care, The Key To Self-Knowledge, Self-Love, Self-Control and Personal Liberation